Frank Thomas was well-known for playing baseball. In 1968, on May 27, Frank Thomas was born.
The majority of people want to know Frank Thomas’s net worth. Therefore, the data has been updated here.
So if you are curious to know everything about him, stay with us!
Table of Contents
Frank Thomas’s Parents
Frank Thomas’s Parents were Thomas Sr. and Charlie Mae Thomas. Thomas Sr was his father, while Charlie Mae Thomas was his mother. Both helped him a lot in his career.
Frank Thomas’s Wife
Frank Thomas’s Wife was Elise Silver. They both married in 1992 and parted ways in 2001. However, they both spent just nine years together.
Frank Thomas’s Net Worth
Frank Thomas achieved great fame and fortune. Here is the data if you are looking for Frank Thomas’s total wealth.
Frank Thomas’s estimated net worth is around $40 million.
Frank Thomas Age
In 1968, on May 27, Frank Thomas was born. Frank Thomas was 54 years old at the time of his death. Baseball player Frank Thomas had a reputable reputation.
Frank Thomas Height
Many fans might be curious about Frank Thomas’ height; according to certain reliable sources, he was 1.96 meters tall. However, details regarding his body measurements were not updated on any site yet.
Frank Thomas Latest News
Frank Thomas, the former Major League Baseball player, passed away at the age of 93. He was found dead in his hometown Pittsburgh. However, the cause of his death is not revealed yet.