A renowned animated Disney comedy musical film, “Encanto,” was released a year back on the 24th of November. However, people are really curious to know Encanto’s Characters’ age. So here we’re going to take a brief look at the story of the Encanto movie and the ages of its powerful characters. Stay with us!
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Details Regarding Disney Encanto
Disney sparked exhilaration on the internet once they introduced their trendy musical comedy movie, Encanto. Its release date was the 24th of November 2021. The film tells the story of a character known as Mirabel Madrigal, who’s born into a family where people are blessed with superpowers. Everybody in the film grants her with their exceptional superpowers sparks.
The tale centers around the main character and her family, including her mother, sister, and other remaining family members.
Encanto Characters Age
However, there are no open details in the movie regarding the Encanto Characters age, and that’s the cause the creator of this animated movie introduced their ages on his Twitter head. Here we’re going to mention the entire list of characters along with their ages in the movie.
- Luisa – The nineteen-year-old girl.
- Camilo – A fifteen-year-old character.
- Pepa – A fifty-year-old character.
- Abuela Alma – seventy-five-year-old character.
- Bruno – A fifty-year-old character.
- Agustin – Fifty-year-old character.
- Antonio – A five-year-old character.
- Felix – Fifty-year-old character.
- Isabela – Twenty-one-year-old character.
- Julieta – Fifty-year-old character.
- Dolores – A twenty-one-year-old character.
- Mirabel – A Fifteen-year-old character.
Additional Details About The Characters
For those people who’re questioning the family’s eldest baby, we have created this chart which clearly shows the character’s ages and names. Isabella and Dolores are both the same age, with simply one month difference. But in spite of having the same ages, each character has wonderful powers.
Audience Feedback On The Film
However, the movie’s plot was launched before its release, scheduled for November 2021. The audience’s reaction after watching the film was seen on social media. Disney lovers literally loved the entire movie to an excellent extent and created a buzz about the movie on the internet.
Additionally, the plotline and the character’s age in the movie Encanto are very well-researched. The lovers had been eager to study the age gap between all characters, so the movie’s creator ended their eagerness and presented the character’s ages through his Twitter posts.
Final Thoughts
However, Encanto became the first animated Disney movie that showed Barbie wearing glasses. Both Disney lovers and visitors appreciated the story of the film. Encanto has accumulated around 7.3 IMDB rankings. And made approximately millions of dollars in its first week of release.