Clowns are comic characters with a lot of makeup stuff on their faces and dark neon yellow clothes with big red noses. Usually, clowns do not speak. Their actions make others laugh and their dance too.
Clowns are tall heighted. To exaggerate in appearance, some of them made their appearance extra thin and tall.
The cleverest character in comedy is the clown, for he who would make people take him for a fool, must not be one.
Professional clowns are self-assured in telling jokes, juggling, and doing whatever they need to keep kids laughing. The type of clown face you wear will be essential to consider before diving into the fun stuff.
Professional clowns develop their own unique looks and apply high-quality makeup to make them special.
Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand.
Clown makeup is the essential thing that makes clowns look like clowns. They use this makeup in public areas, parks, game shoes, and many theme parties and get-together functions. So here, I have explored and mentioned some useful and essential clown makeup tricks.
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Do you know what Clowns use for makeup?
In contrast to water-based face paint, clowns typically use oil-based grease paint makeup. The reason? It is due to the ease of achieving opaque coverage with grease paint. If coated with powder, it will resist perspiration better.
Face paint based on the water tends to smudge, drip, and settle into laugh lines.
Generally, there are three types of Clowns based on the makeup they wear.
Here are these three types of clowns, along with their makeup tips and tricks.
1. Hobo Clown and their Makeup:
Do you know who Hobo Clowns are?
Sad clown
With your bags all packed
Where did you come from?
Are you leaving town?
To make up like a Hobo Clown, you must first consider that hobo clowns have sad faces. This face is created through some special tricks.
Hobo clowns have lip makeup that shows their sad posture of lip—usually straight and large white lips. The eyes are made to show some pain in them while the nose has a dull red color.
Some clowns also go for some eye bags under their eyes, and some choose to make some black lines to show wept eyes.
Makeup Procedure:
- First, select a suitable makeup pallete for clown makeup. Make sure that makeup is suitable for your skin so that it will not cause any rashes or harmful effects.
- Using a sponge tip applicator, apply the white clown powder to your eyelids. Apply the clown white shape around the lips using the same applicator and clown white. Create a broad “U” shape in the mouth if you want the clown to look happy. Make the clown look sadder by turning the shape upside down. Use a fluffy brush to apply powder to the white areas. This powder will help you to prevent smudging.
- Avoid touching the areas painted with white after applying the lighter flesh tone to the rest of the face.
- Give your eyes a little definition by lightly lining them under.
- Create the look of stubble or whiskers with black. It would be best if you began by working your way up the face, where hair normally grows, starting at the jawline. Be sure to add some stubble under your chin!
- As a final step, apply the red color to the tip of the nose in a red circle shape to make a clown nose.
- Here you are, ready with your Hobo clown face.
2. Auguste Clown and their Makeup:
Through Auguste Clown, audience members are entertained by exaggerated expressions, slapstick comedy, and all manner of pranks.
Although exaggeration is also in the other clown faces, in Auguste Clown, you will notice the high exaggeration in lips, eyes, and, of course, in the nose too. The clown, in this case, has a less intelligent and clumsier personality than Whiteface.
Makeup Procedure:
- Contrary to whiteface clowns, Auguste Clowns have a pink or flesh-colored base coat. Choose a more colorful makeup for the Auguste Clown look. The base color you will apply on your face, or the selection of foundation color should be pink. Also, cover your neck with the same foundation color.
- Then after this, you have to apply an exclusive coating of paint and white powder around your mouth and eyes. This is to make features and accents look bold.
- Auguste Clowns usually have large red lips, which is also their favorite known feature. Not only the red lips, but instead you can also go for black lips. A super smile would be made for the mouth, and the eyebrows would be covered in makeup. To achieve the look of a wide-eyed, happy-mouthed clown, widen your eyes and mouth.
- Outline the muzzle and eyes, and thin lines would be drawn around them. In moderation, you could also use other colors for the lining. Together, these elements give the colors a sense of unity. For example, when a clown performs on stage, in a walk-around, or in a parade, their exaggerated features may be clearly defined because they are closer to the audience.
- Now choose a bright colored nose to make the look complete and perfect.
3. White Face Clowns and their Makeup:
White Face Clowns fall into two major categories, The classic Whiteface Clowns, derived from Pierrot, and Buffoonish Clowns. They are also called the Comedy Clown or Grottisque Whiteface Clowns.
Whiteface Clowns wear oversized clothing and oversized shoes as well as white makeup on their faces. In most cases, a Comedy Clown will have large eyes, noses, and mouths, abnormal clothing, and even a red bald cap to accent their prominent features.
Makeup Procedure:
- Start your white clown makeup look by applying a white coating of greasepaint and powder to your face and neck. Be careful about the selection of the paint. It must be friendly towards your skin.
- Now choose black and red colors to highlight the features of the face. White clowns generally use red color for their lips. Apply the red color in a way to give an even and broad look to your lips.
- For the nose, there is a rule.
All clowns have red noses, and it’s their signature style.
- After completing the makeup, of features now go for the selection of fake hair. In contrast with the red nose and wide red lips, you also should choose fake red hair. Red hair is also preferable because they are attractive and can easily focus from a distance. Keep in mind that Clowns always have curly hair, so don’t go for straight ones.
- So here is your perfect White Clown makeup look.
Clown makeup removal: best methods
To go for a Clown face look, you need a heavy kind of paint and makeup products. You have to apply a very thick layer of makeup to cover the skin, and sometimes it becomes difficult to remove it.
The after consequences of the makeup can become harsh if you don’t remove it properly.
So to overcome this difficulty, I have mentioned some products, and their way to use that will help you remove your clown makeup in the easiest way.
Makeup Remover
The makeup remover is generally used for removing everyday makeup. It works with makeup as well as with face paint. They’re formulated for facial skin means that even children’s skin will not be irritated by them.
Be sure to choose makeup removers as gentle on the skin and keep it healthy and soft as possible. Additionally, they should also contain vitamins like Vitamin E or C.
Olive oil
Red colors and other hard-to-remove colors are best removed with olive oil. Put a little oil in a bowl and heat it for about 20 seconds in the microwave.
Now rub it in and leave to soak for a few moments before wiping off. It is possible to substitute coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, etc., for olive oil if you don’t have any. If you have any excess makeup, wash it off with a mild cleanser.
Baby Oil
Due to its nature, baby oil adheres to face paint. Its mild nature means it’s not harsh on the skin. You can buy baby oil just about anywhere, and it is also economical. Using slow, circular motions, rub a small amount of baby oil onto the skin. You can get rid of the makeup by using a warm, wet washcloth.
Once the excess is washed off, pat dry with a facial cleanser.
Cold Cream
Using cold cream will gently remove makeup and face paint from the skin. There are many places where you can buy cold cream, and it is reasonably priced as well. You can also use a washcloth to remove the cream after applying it.
Use a mild cleanser to remove any excess makeup.
Final Words
There are also many other types of Clowns. Some features remain the same, like a red nose, curly hair, and a neon dress, no matter which type you choose.
These are some signature elements of Clowns. It is also essential to choose the right and skin-friendly makeup for your face. Try to remove the makeup right after you come back to your home after the event.