Since the “FRIENDS REUNION SPECIAL” aired on HBO Max on 27th May, the stars reminisced their old times on the set and relived their happy memories. Among all the other things, Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer, who played Rachel & Ross respectively, on the show, admitted that they had feelings for each other when FRIENDS aired, and they both were crushing hard on each other.
This is ultimately a piece of shocking news for fans, as they have always shipped the two of them together. After the reunion, rumors circulated about Jennifer and David spending a lot of quality time together. So fans guessed that maybe they have started dating, and it made popular news on the internet.
However, if you are a Ross and Rachel fan and hoping they’d get together in real life, too, we might have some disappointing news for you.
The acting pair had been seen together multiple times, recently, especially after the reunion aired. An insider revealed that the reunion might have stirred up feelings they had for each other.
David Schwimmer told on an internet forum that the news of him and Jennifer starting a relationship is not accurate. These are false rumors, and they are not together. A spokesperson on Jennifer’s behalf also denied the rumors.
In the reunion special episode, David confessed that at the beginning of FRIENDS, He had a massive crush on Jennifer, and at some point, she also had feelings for him. Still, they could not get together as one of them was always in a relationship at one time. So they called themselves sailing boats that cross their paths but never meet.
Jennifer also stated the same thing as she said they were indifferent relationships, and it could not have worked out with both of them.
They further added that they put all those feelings of adoration for each other into their scenes on FRIENDS, which put life into the scenes, which is why they had intense chemistry on the show.
But in real life, the rumors of them getting together are false, and it has not happened yet.