Zara and Mike tied the knot in a beautiful royal wedding ceremony ten years ago On 30 July 2011. The service was held at Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh, which Zara’s grandmother, the Queen, also attended. Their love marriage is still strong, and the love can be seen in their photos. Mike had confessed his love for Zara in the following lines, “I’ve never been in love before, but Zara is the love of my life. No doubt.”
Zara and Mike have three children: two daughters: seven years old Mia and three-year-old Lena, and a son Lucas Phillip. Lucas was born on March 2021.
Mike Is the former English rugby union player and had met the Queens granddaughter during his Rugby World Cup-winning campaign in Australia in 2003.
They are often spotted during PDA moments now and then. From kissing at the golf course in a tournament in 2019 to taking sweet selfies at the Wimbledon championship In July 2021. They have several pictures in each other’s arms, embracing each other.
The couple is often spotted strolling around with their kids and mostly have their arms wrapped around each other. The Queen’s granddaughter and her husband are both involved in their respective charity work and are both supportive of each other.